thank you. without problems omitted was how in 2010, after case study answer first 2 years of Obama’s “service” used loosely, for sure, that there was case study answer LARGEST turnover in case study solution House and Senate from one party to case study answer other D to R in SEVEN DECADES yes, you’d need to go back to case study answer WWII era in finding such a huge turnoverthat is followed up with ALL laws are made AND case study answer money is spent by case study solution House and Senate, which have been firmly in Republican handle in 2010. all case study answer way thru case study solution end of Obama’s 2nd term. so, all of that “development” that he is taking credit for, it really had little to do with him at all, as case study solution voters neutered him 2 years into his termso, while case study answer left likes to give credit to Obama, case study solution real credit goes to case study answer Republican controlled House and Senate for getting case study solution nation back on track. Trump’s party occurs to align with who is in manage now, and THAT is why we’re buzzing along, as it’s R R R running case study solution show. I’d hope that pieces like this don’t proceed to pollute this place, as it’s disingenuous to offer credit to someone Obama who tried to bankrupt our nation along with his lies about Obamacare “which you can keep your doctor”, “your costs will go down”I have promoted these figures and numbers for a good while.