Crickets!Lol he hung up on me!I would say to Google sue these for even marketing they constitute Google!I have written articles on HubPages for years, and they don’t do any of case study solution things mentioned by case study answer bad reviewers here who complain about sales pitches, web internet hosting, SEO grants, and so on. I believe these people have mistaken HubPages for HubSpot, a site which rather well might do those things. HubPages doesn’t have anything to sell, including facilities, and that they don’t host websites. It’s just a free platform where people can submit articles for feasible e-book. If you’re lucky and work really hard, that you would be able to get a bit price on your articles, too. Just hoping to remedy this misleading situation. Charging for case study solution work being done instead of for a particular variety of links helps consumers needless to say you might be MARKETING and not simply brokering links. Improving your individual ability to request applicable links will make clients happy. Basing an SEO approach on link anchor text is a very short term attitude. If you’ve an endless supply of consumers this may be a feasible business model but if youre eager about constructing a long run courting with clients you had better have far more to offer them than lets get you some links with anchor text. Youre not guilty for keeping up case study solution best of case study answer search indexes and case study solution consequences they serve to users. They have spam teams who’re always looking out for violations in their guidelines.