As Jimmy Carter eloquently said Globalization, as defined by rich people like us, is a very nice thing you’re speaking about case study answer web, cell phones and computer systems. This doesnt affect 2/3 of case study solution people of case study answer world. The electronic divide among constructed and developing states is evident it is understood that technology innovation is critical for growth, but since built international locations has a clear advantage when it comes to RandD ability, assisting infrastructure and in addition case study solution required literate group of workers it is predominantly rich countries which are benefitting of advances in applied sciences. The argument of era transfers that can eliminate case study solution gulf in era mismatch between rich and poor countries through FDI and trade has its obstacles since case study solution Intellectual Property Rights IPRs regime has a lot of components which restrict generation transfers. Additionally to determine why technology advancement has in large part served constructed countries attention we are looking to needless to say in most coming up countries an overwhelming majority of case study answer people make a living out of case study answer popular sector hence FDI in case study answer tertiary sector has not helped them. Though it is largely conception that arising nations have been case study solution hardest hit by globalisation here is erroneous as a result of in developed nations too there have been job losses.