1998 Honda Accord LX right front wheel makes a sqeak/squealing sound when making a hard left. Right front wheel also makes a rubbing sound when turning case study solution wheel slightly to case study answer left. Had case study solution rubbing before it’s anything to do with mud flap?not sure what it is named for case study answer brakes. I are not making hard turns that regularly so, I’m undecided when it began. My car makes a rattling sound that seems to return from my case study answer front right hand side. I drive in Africa and so case study solution road isn’t even. Tire brands are pretty smart people engineers, designers, and case study answer like and they figured out that they could save numerous people a lot of hassle by placing some information directly on case study solution sidewall of every tire. In Tire Tech 101 case study solution first of our series on tires we’ll give a tour of some of case study solution most critical bits of guidance that you can find in your tires, and what it all means. If there’s a “P” appended to case study solution beginning of case study solution advice, this simply designates its a passenger car tire. If there is no “P” at case study answer starting, case study answer tire is just engineered to different criteria. The standards are set by two agencies: case study answer TandRA case study solution Tire and Rim Association and case study answer ETRTO European Tyre and Rim Technical Organization. The next number “235” during this case measures case study answer tire part width, in millimeters: case study answer distance from sidewall to sidewall.