This is followed by a 10 minute stretch and cool down period. Workplace activity and health programs may appear as if a great advantage, but do they really work?Apparently case study solution jury’s still out. According to Roy Shephard, PhD, professor emeritus of applied body structure on case study answer University of Toronto’s college of physical training and health, work site undertaking and health courses are widely believed to be a way to maintain personnel fit, thereby expanding a corporation’s productivity while controlling health insurance costs. Participation in work site well being courses can yield quite a few health merits, Shephard writes in a February 1999 article, “Do Work Site Exercise and Health Programs Work?” published in case study answer journal case study answer Physician and Sportsmedicine: case study solution potential advantages include:But Shephard, who also is a past president of case study solution ACSM, also reviews that “few, if any, courses have introduced all of case study solution expected merits. ” case study answer reason, in response to his research, is that almost all employees don’t join them. That definitely does not look like case study solution case at CDW Computer Centers, even though, where about 1,000 of case study solution company’s main campus 1,800 employees there are an alternative 900 in other destinations take capabilities of CDW’s on site fitness center.